Union Baptist
“Worship should inspire us to evangelize the people, the community, the nation, the world around us…”
Bishop Sir Walter Mack, Passion for Your Kingdom Purpose
“A Church Determined to Live for Christ” With more than 4,000 members and 70 ministries, Union Baptist Church is growing to meet the needs of all people.Under the leadership of Senior Pastor Dr. Sir Walter L. Mack, Jr., UBC focuses on dynamic worship, study, fellowship and evangelism. We are a “prophe-charismatic” ministry. This phrase, coined by our pastor, combines the prophetic work of addressing racism, sexism, homelessness and politics with “Charismata” which is the Greek word for gifts of the spirit. Our programs break denominational and religious barriers, bringing together true worshippers. We believe in ministering to everyone as we produce innovative programs to elevate and uplift the people of God.

Pillars of Our Ministry

We believe worship is important because it allows you to stay focused on God, and it allows you to work on your relationship with God. Plan to meet us in worship on Sunday.

We believe this is important because in order for your life to be maximized, you must study to show thyself approved unto God. Make plans to attend our bible study.

We believe that Christianity is about relationships. Therefore, we offer several opportunities for you to get to know other people in the ministry.

Union Baptist is a community church, thinking and acting globally. Union has been recognized nationally and internationally for its work in missions and evangelism. Inquire about the C2C Drug Dealers and Street Life Conference, and don’t forget to ask us about our new and innovative Gospel Ice Cream truck.

We believe in supporting the ministry with Tithes and Offerings.
- Resources Support:
Vendor Contracts
Building Maintenance
Fleet Maintenance
Missions Local
Missions Abroad
Youth Activities
Senior Adult Activities
Millennial Activities
Convention Assessment

We believe prayer is the foundation of all that we do. There are times when the church will call a corporate fast and prayer gatherings, while also encouraging members to pray for one another.

Union Baptist has been labeled one of the most diverse ministries among age generations in North Carolina. All age groups are recognized, involved and very visible. You may hear traditional hymns while in the same service, the youth may “rock” some Kirk Franklin, Tye Tribbett or even participate in the step team! There are many programs to minister to young adults and other exciting activities for the family.
Small Feel Church
Is there a place for people who are shy and do not like large crowds to be apart of a mega-church like Union Baptist Church?
Yes, there are many small group activities that take place at various times. Also, during the worship there is a greeting time so people can connect with those who are close to them in worship. The early morning service provides a more intimate setting for those who do not like large crowds. At Union we try to make you feel like you are at home.

Creation and creativity is all in God’s spoken word. Our goal is to reflect an image of God and to be a microcosm of creation. Emphasis is placed on creativity in worship, preaching, teaching, programs, evangelism and leadership development. Moving the church to innovation merits us to illuminate biblical, theological, political, social, cultural and relational matters regarding the present day church.
Affirmation of Faith
We believe in God, the Father Almighty creator of heaven and earth.
We believe in Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord;
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried.
He descended to the dead. On the third day, he rose again.
He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Church universal, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
What are the affiliations of the Union Baptist Church?
The Union Baptist Church is a recognized Baptist Church affiliated with the National Baptist Convention, the Progressive Baptist Convention, General Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, the Rowan Baptist Association, Global United Fellowship and other conferences and affiliations that speak to the spiritual well-being of our local church.
While Union Baptist Church is affiliated with traditional Baptist organizations, our approach to ministry is very contemporary and we believe in making ministry relevant for everyday people. Therefore, Union Baptist embraces kingdom principles that make the church effective for the 21st Century. Also, it is not uncommon for Union Baptist to build relationships with all denominations that are seeing to fulfill the will of God in their ministries.